Who? Me?

I’ve always been curious about Theophilus for whom these words were written. Theophilus. They (Theophilus) seem to have inspired the writer and also respect the writer. Their interest indicates they are a person of faith. It seems fitting then to learn that Theophilus means “friend of God.”
The writer says: Friend of God, and yes – he could be writing to YOU! You need to know what Jesus has done and taught us. Friend of God, I want to tell you how Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit descending upon us has been fulfilled. This introduction to the Acts of the Apostles invites curiosity and draws the reader in, eager to hear more.
We have been given a most precious gift of the Holy Spirit, revealed through the words of scripture. These are the words which searching followers of Christ have gathered around as the early church and still today. We read, study and encourage one another. Studying scripture is richer when shared with another, in church, in Bible study groups and in conversation. Dear friend of God, there is hope beyond measure in the promise and presence of the Holy Spirit filling us with new life in Christ.

Holy Spirit, be present in our hearts today. Give us strength to witness to your promise and courage to be the church today. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Pamela McNeil

Eternity for Today