May the fourth be with you

I’m not a Star Wars fan. But I’m married to one. And the mother to two. I can understand the basics of good conquering evil: the shock of discovering that something or someone that is considered the enemy is also deeply connected to you (perhaps even by blood). But then how does one reconcile the reality that God’s people do really bad things and are still loved by God, and that we are called not only to love one another as God loves us but even pray for those who persecute us. Couldn’t we all just have epic battles with light sabers to settle the score?
Not so, says God. Not between us, and not for God. And, it turns out, that’s in everyone’s best interest in the end. The commandments teach us that rules—or laws—aren’t meant to keep us from one another, but the opposite: we falter (because we will) and they help us get back to right relationship with one another.
Relationships are challenging. Even the good ones. Our faith teaches us that God’s deepest desire is for us to be in right relationship with God and with one another.

God, in you we have everything we need. You give us life and your love conquers the world. Help us to see you reflected in the people we meet. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Courtenay Reedman Parker

Eternity for Today