As I write these words, images of the destruction caused by hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria are fresh in my mind. Cities and neighbourhoods have been submerged in water. Not all of it is draining away. Some of it has turned stagnant and foul. Even when it looks clean, it contains health threatening bacteria and chemicals. People have been warned not to even walk in this water in order to avoid infection.
In the midst of all of this I hear the words of Jesus, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink.” The unhappy reality is that there is too much water in this world that brings physical and spiritual infection. Too much of what my soul consumes finds its source in falsehood and pollution, rather than in truth and purity.
How blessed we are to drink of the life-renewing water that flows from the loving and wise heart of Jesus!
Lord of life, have mercy on us when we allow ourselves to be filled with the waters of corruption. Create in us a thirst for those things that bring health and hope and redemption. Open our ears to hear the words of our brother Jesus and to be filled with his Spirit of life and courage. This we pray in his name. Amen. — LN