Swifties and foodbanks

Taylor Swift—a popular American singer-songwriter—embarked on a sold-out world tour in 2023. While she delighted thousands of devoted fans each night she performed, she also made sure thousands were fed by making substantial donations to local foodbanks. Her contributions made the news and raised the profile of food insecurity wherever she went! In a time when many pop stars are more concerned about their handbags, Swift has been giving back tangibly to those in need.
Our passage from Isaiah reminds me of Swift because it’s a good news story of hope and joy that comes from the least likely of places. The beauty and heart behind Swift’s actions are like those of the announcing messenger—one who uplifts and sustains God’s people in tangible ways, allowing them to see the very kindom of God today, not in some far-off place.

Great provider, let us seek to be messengers of good news to all, bringing your reign of joy and peace to a world in need. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Lindsey Jorgensen-Skakum

Eternity for Today