This verse brings to mind the parable of the two sons. The first son is asked by his father to go work in the vineyard. The son says no but then changes his mind and goes out anyway. The second son is also asked to go out into the vineyard, and he says yes but doesn’t do as he said he would. Jesus asks, “Which one was obedient to his father?”
It sure is frustrating when words don’t match actions. Have you ever had someone promise they would do something but then didn’t? I read somewhere that actions are better than words which is why John says that the Word became flesh, not the Word became newsprint.
Actions are the way we can show love when there are no words, when we don’t know what to say. A warm casserole delivered to a friend whose parent just died. An offer to sit in prayer with someone at a crossroads in life. Holding a person’s hand when they are lying in a hospital bed. Sometimes simply being present can show more love than any number of words possibly could.
Almighty God, we thank you for your eternal presence in our life. Walk with us each day, giving us strength to sit in silence when silence is needed and to love in deed more than word. Amen. —