Strive for this!

This reading from Proverbs has always been memorable to me as a woman because this whole chapter of Proverbs is teachings from a mother. Maybe you have a person in mind who fits this description. I think of Marta in northern Norway. All of us who met Marta did not know her for a long time, we only enjoyed brief visits. But we all remember that we felt close to her, that she made us feel special and capable of doing anything. Marta passed away recently, but her influence will be long-lasting in my family, like the message in Proverbs from King Lemuel’s mother.
This message from a woman brings special significance now as we live in a world where some women still do not feel equal or listened to. Let us all strive to fit the description in the featured verses and believe that justice can be further achieved for many groups. Praise the Lord for continuing to inspire us!

Lord of all times and all places, use our words, actions and attitudes to bring justice to groups who do not feel equal or important. Amen.

Contributed by Anne Lyseng

Eternity for Today