Is there any hope?

Uff da! That’s what we of Norwegian heritage would say after reading this account of destruction by the Assyrians. Forests were destroyed and people. The account is not a joyful read. Uff da covers the emotions of surprise, and disbelief that many people would feel reading this. God was sending a message to the people of Israel and to the house of Jacob through the Assyrian attack. Thank goodness the last verse of the reading brings assurance of hope for the survivors!
Reading the news today is sometimes no better than the news of the day from Isaiah. Do we as God’s people see hope as we read? Do we remember Jeremiah 29:11 about God’s plans to give God’s people a future with hope? Galatians 5:22 reminds us about the fruit of the Spirit, among which are love, joy, peace and patience. We need these perspectives to maintain our hope for the world.

Lord, we call upon you to fill us with the fruits of your Spirit so that we can bring hope to people and situations around us and all around the world. Amen.

Contributed by Anne Lyseng

Eternity for Today