To seek after God

The world these days seems more chaotic than ever. Wars are raging on, millions are poor and hungry, and the planet itself is suffering. Our weather patterns are getting more and more unpredictable and more extreme each year. Yet, we live our lives mostly unchanged, trying to keep going as before.
Who among us is wise? Who among us seeks after God? And where do we seek God?
Have we all gone astray?
Yet, God tells us where God is to be found. God is with the company of the righteous, God is with the poor, their refuge. And like Jesus said, whatever we do to others, we do to him.
This is not an easy message to those of us who continue to live relatively comfortable lives while millions around the world, including in Canada, suffer in poverty and hunger, either because of war and unrest or because of changing climate. Are we seeking after God who is with the poor and the hungry? Or are we conveniently ignoring those in need and ignoring God as well?

God, the refuge of all who are poor, call us to serve you through serving those in need. Amen.

Contributed by Elina Singh

Eternity for Today