To serve all

Martin Luther, the reformer of our faith, had some thoughts about freedom back in his day. He wrote a treatise called On the Freedom of a Christian. In his treatise he talked about the freedom of a believer from the law; through our faith in Christ who fulfilled the law, we are no longer bound by the law. It doesn’t mean that we are free to do what we want, said Luther. Rather, we are free to serve others.
It seems James and John hadn’t figured this part out yet when they came to Jesus with their request. They saw greatness and having a powerful seat in the house as being important. Yet, Jesus turned that idea of greatness upside down; the one who is great is the one who serves, like a slave.
We continue to live in a society where greatness is seen as being important, influential and powerful, and preferably famous. Yet, our calling is different, to be a servant. We are called to be great through service to others and loving others like ourselves, while loving God most of all. How can you be great today?

Jesus, servant of all, teach us to follow your example of greatness. Amen.

Contributed by Elina Singh

Eternity for Today