Breaking news

Mary did not waste any time. She had no reason to. After a few days of utter confusion, chaos and grief, she had the most important news of her life to share. After seeing Jesus die on the cross, she had seen him alive and well in the garden. This was not a slow, meditative walk back into the city. Mary ran as fast as she could; she might have even lost a sandal along the way.
Two millennia of human meddling have twisted and diluted the news of Jesus’ resurrection. This news has become at times a tool of the empire, at times a joke to the scientifically minded, at times an old wives’ tale. Yet, the power of resurrection has not diminished. The risen Christ is a source of life and love, now as he was in Mary’s time.
Who can you tell this news to? Who needs to know that Jesus is alive? Who needs to hear that you have seen him?

Risen Christ, you are indeed alive. Lead us to those who need to hear the news. Amen.

Contributed by Elina Singh

Eternity for Today