Take a break

I’ll admit it, there’s been too many days when I’ve been on the run, eating in the car or skipping a meal, because I’m just that busy. (I hate to even say that word, “busy,” because it’s become so normal, at times almost expected!) The list of things to get done is endless, and we feel overwhelmed at times, and if not overwhelmed, tired. One night, while brushing her teeth after a busy day of play, our granddaughter said, “I’m so tired,” then she promptly got her Teddy and blanket and went straight to bed!
The world calls us at a frantic pace and we readily answer that call, but we don’t so readily answer the call to rest. In this passage, Jesus teaches us that we ought to intentionally put aside time for rest. The church adds regularity to our time of rest by calling us to weekly worship. In doing so, we discover that rest is a great healer and an efficient enabler. Rest makes space for our bodies and minds to mend; it is medicine for tired hearts and nourishment for hungry spirits.
Honestly, none of us is that important that the world or our friends and families cannot do without us momentarily. Better yet, invite them to get away with you.

God, keep inviting me to rest. Amen.

Contributed by Trish Schmermund

Eternity for Today