Church renovations

My spouse works to transform homes. With hammer and drill, tile and mortar, insulation, repairs and much more, he renovates homes so that people may live in comfort and safety. Some jobs are huge and some not, but there is always a difference when he is done.
The church in our day is undergoing a renovation, too. We’ve begun to look squarely at our practices that have left some kicked to the curb. Policies, doctrine and our own fear have kept us divided and labeled, like the inspection stickers in something we buy that says, “Inspected by No. 2.”
In Paul’s day there were many dividing lines. Paul taught the Ephesians how to erase them using peace. We, too, are invited to bridge the gaps that divide us as we participate in the ministry of peacemaking. What Paul explains is that peace isn’t just an imaginative ideal but is to be a transformative action realized through lived experience and practice.
Take a chance and chat with a Gentile! Sit down with an Israelite! So, too, for us, peace begins as we share time and conversation with LGBTQ2SIA+, Indigenous peoples, those new to Canada, people of other faith traditions (or no faith tradition!) or perhaps a neighbour you’ve never spoken to. Let’s remember our foundation is Christ, not the walls between us.

Jesus, build peace among us. Amen.

Contributed by Trish Schmermund

Eternity for Today