
We can hear the apprehension in Philip’s voice when he asks Jesus to show him and the other disciples the Father. And we can hear Jesus’ deep desire to alleviate their fears. How long and how many times do I need to tell you, show you, be with you before you get it?
Our fear, our apprehension can absolutely overwhelm, take over, especially when we know that something is going to change, and change forever. Like death and dying. Life-changing events do just that, they change, alter, our lives, our relationships, our perspectives. Jesus, in his final discourse, as he is preparing Philip and the other disciples that he will be going away, reassures them that in fact he has already been showing them, and will continue to be with them and work on their behalf even after he is no longer in the world. Jesus’ promise to the first disciples and to us modern-day disciples remains the same: “Believe me that I am,” that I am all the things I said I am, that you can trust me and count on me to be with you, love you, and bring you peace.

God, it is hard to believe when we are afraid. Help us to know that you are, and that is enough for us to be loved and protected. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Courtenay Reedman Parker

Eternity for Today