Moms are smart. As we read in the gospel, Jesus’ ministry hadn’t started yet when Jesus attended a wedding in Cana. Yet Mary, Jesus’ mother, knew instinctively what Jesus was capable of doing, having raised this bright, insightful child to manhood. Even though Jesus pointed out that, “my time has not yet come,” Mary knew Jesus would fulfill her request, doing it well. Mary supported Jesus until his last earthly hours, staying beside the cross where Jesus died. In his last minutes, Jesus showed his love for Mary by appointing the apostle John to care for her.
I was never able to get away with mischief as a child because my mom seemed to know about it before I did. An example of her caring vigilance was the day my brother (age 6) and I (age 4) tried to chop off the head of a neighbour’s chicken with a double-bladed axe. We barely got the axe raised when Mom intervened, running out to us, admonishing and disarming us. I still remember her scolding and that was over 70 years ago.
Mary was the first to spot a need at the wedding, taking it upon herself to call on Jesus for help. Moms just seem to know.
When we see a need, help us, Jesus, to call on you. Amen. —