Your spiritual home

Where do you come from? What’s home for you? Or as my mother liked to put it, “Who are your people?”
Paul wrote to the young congregation in Corinth. While there were some Jews in the fledgling congregation, it consisted mainly of Greeks.
Paul spoke of their actual or adopted spiritual heritage. He spoke of Israelite slaves passing through the sea, baptized in the mist of the clouds and water. Paul recalled manna, the spiritual food, and the drink from the spiritual water that followed the Israelites on their wilderness journey. But Paul’s message was also a warning, for some fell because of idolatry or desiring to do evil.
Today is a good time for us to reflect. Where do you come from? Where were you baptized? Were you an infant, a young person, or an adult? What is your faith story? Who in your life was instrumental in your growth in faith? What might draw you away from your faith? How can you guard against such temptations?

Loving God, keep the joy of faith alive in my heart and give me strength in times of doubt. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Jim Garey

Eternity for Today