The cornerstone

Cornerstones have been an important part of putting up buildings since ancient times. Builders carefully chose and placed the cornerstone. It would be the reference point for the rest of the construction project.
There was usually a ceremony in laying that all-important first stone. Some official might carefully pour grain, wine and oil upon the stone, signs of divine blessing in many faith traditions. I am reminded of Joel 2:19 which reads in part, “I am sending you grain, wine, and oil, and you will be satisfied.”
In our reading today, Peter and John have been brought before the ruling Temple council in Jerusalem, imprisoned for having taught that in Jesus there is resurrection of the dead. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter boldly proclaims his faith in salvation through Jesus, the cornerstone the builders had rejected.
Our text today is also strongly sacramental. Jesus took bread made from grains and took a cup of wine, instituting the eucharistic meal of his body and blood. As Jesus was anointed with oil, so we trace the sign of the cross with oil upon the newly baptized. We celebrate Christ our cornerstone.

Dear Jesus, we thank you that you are our bread of life, our cup of salvation, our oil of gladness. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Jim Garey

Eternity for Today