Holding space, holding unconditional love

Holding space is a practice of making space for somebody else’s experience and centring them; to be fully present and create a safe environment. It’s about fostering listening and empathizing. Holding space for someone is showing them they are worthy of voice and visibility because they are a human being or because they are valued above all else. When we hold space spiritually, we allow that being, that group, that creation, even that cosmos to unfold into their true essence.
Psalm 8 is the very essence of God holding space for humanity. God being present and showing us that we are worthy of voice and visibility. God gifts us time to unfold our true essence, even when other parts of creation look or feel of greater value or require less care. God holds space for us to grow into what God knows we can become.
This holding space represents God’s unconditional love for all humanity and all creation. We can do no less for one another, for creation, for God.

God of the cosmos, surround us with unconditional love, light us with the power of holding space for others and the courage to care for the gift of creation. Amen.

Contributed by Bishop Elaine Sauer

Eternity for Today