Old and young together

Whenever I had the opportunity to attend worship in Cameroon, I was always drawn to the offering time. A basket remained at the top of the centre aisle. Choirs, one after another, as many as nine one time, began to sing and the people moved to the aisles and danced their offering to the basket. It was unbridled enthusiasm, a vision of something extraordinary, young and old together. All people, all creation dancing for the Lord, giving thanks and praise.
Those moments in time give a vision of what the psalmist is saying to us, inviting us to bring unbridled enthusiasm in our praise for God, the one who commanded, created and sustained us on this earth, in creation, for the abundance of all. We can do no less in praising God than with our whole bodies, voice, feet, hips, arms, moving in rhythm to the beat of God’s heart within us. For God has raised up a horn for the people who are close to God. Praise the Lord!

We praise you, O God, for the gifts of our bodies, our minds, our souls. We pray you would pour out your energy on us to exalt your name as this new year unfolds before us. Amen.

Contributed by Bishop Elaine Sauer

Eternity for Today