It was difficult for me to answer a call to ministry. Difficult to accept the call to preach, the call to cry out, the call to lift up my voice and say, “Here is your God!”
A large part of me wondered, “Can’t you do this by yourself, God? Why do you even need me? You don’t really need my help.”
True. God doesn’t really need us. But for some reason, God wants us all to be proclaimers, crying out with lifted voice, “Here is your God!”
We are all included in a call to speak tender words of comfort to those who have experienced systemic suffering or cruelty in this world. To tell people that there is truly a way forward through the walls that enclose them either physically or mentally. To remind the weary that God’s word has the strength to create new life and fill our hearts with courage.
God primarily uses us to speak, even if what we say feels inadequate in the face of suffering. We are a priesthood of believers, inspired by our great Shepherd, created with mouths to proclaim gentleness and kindness, and given arms of love to bring in the hurting to be comforted.
God of all, give us willing mouths to speak and enact your words of grace and love. Amen. —