Eternal blessings

I have a homemade plaque that reads, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” that well-known verse from Joshua. It hung in my office for years, and I looked at it often, many times with the prayer on my lips, “Help us follow you,” or “Lord, bless my family.” Our following has certainly not been perfect, but the blessings have been constant through the best and worst times of our lives.
David, of course, is not speaking about his domestic house in our verse. No, he has a much larger house in mind, namely, his royal dynasty. God has already promised that David’s house would last forever, and that even though God might have to discipline a wandering one from time to time, the promise would remain in effect. So David’s prayer is a prayer of thanksgiving, and a prayer that David and his house faithfully follow God’s leading.
Our houses may not stand forever; the family tree may wither and die, but isn’t it good to know that God’s blessings never end, not even at death? This is all because of David’s successor, the One who wears the crown eternally, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Thank you, eternal God, that through Jesus we are blessed for all eternity. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Dennis Becker

Eternity for Today