Enough already!

The original Hebrew translated in the New Revised Standard Version as “Be still” has a broader meaning than merely a call to silence and stillness in prayer and meditation. It’s interesting that the translators of the Common English Bible put it: “That’s enough! Now know that I am God!” And Eugene Peterson, in his paraphrase The Message, has it: “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God…”
There’s this notion of ceasing the frenetic, self-centred striving and false sense of urgency which enslaves us, ultimately leading to senseless violence. In context, verse 10 speaks as a critique of and plea to halt the warring violence of nations in tumult. It calls everyone embroiled in violent conflict to stop, take a breath, and trust God who is Sovereign of all.
In face of the heart-wrenching death and disaster in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan, we plead with God to the nations: Stop it already! Stop the killing! That’s enough!
The state of external, world affairs is directly affected by the collective state of our interior selves and vice versa. When our hearts are calmed in the light of God, then our outside world begins to reflect that same stillness.

Still our warring hearts, O God, that your love in Christ Jesus may begin to shine through. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. David Malina

Eternity for Today