Meeting people

Meeting people for the first time can be scary. Imagine walking alone into a building or room filled with complete strangers to you. Even doing this with someone you know can be highly anxiety-provoking, if not an impossible proposition. Does this resonate with you?
Last year, I found myself in this situation. But the thought that crossed my mind and gave me a bit more courage to step into that large convention hall was: God knows each and every one of these interesting, diverse people; people unfamiliar to me, but very familiar to God. The awareness that God created, knows and loves each person out there in front of me—as much as God knows me!—helped ease my awkward, sometimes terrifying, but almost always rewarding process of making new friends.
I so admire any newcomer who for the first time steps into a worship space on Sunday morning among people they’ve never met before. I also wonder whether meeting and getting to know new people is sort of like meeting and getting to know something of God for the first time.

Creator God, you’ve fashioned a diverse universe, which you know so very well, from the least to the greatest. Expand my heart to embrace all who cross my path today. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. David Malina

Eternity for Today