Those “Aha!” moments

How often we read but do not understand! Sending messages by letter, email or text reveals the difficulty of conveying meaning with written words. If the message is verbalized by the sender, much more of the meaning can be conveyed by tone and inflection. Even with hearing the message, meaning can still be elusive. Sometimes the message needs even greater clarification. Or sometimes we simply need to have one of those “Aha!” moments where meaning strikes like a lightbulb turned on.
After God had answered Job’s complaints and accusations by pointing out God’s sovereignty, Job realized how he had misunderstood God. He responded to God, saying, “I was hearing about you but not understanding. Now that you have spoken, I understand you in a new light” (my paraphrasing). Job’s fresh perception of God led him to repent of his charges against God. And God blessed Job by granting Job security in riches, family and long life.
When we listen for God’s word to reveal God, we will discover a greater understanding of God. May we, like Job, be refreshed in our relationship with God and with our siblings in Christ.

Reveal yourself to us, God, that we may see you more clearly. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Daphne Bender

Eternity for Today