Striving for greatness is not what we would think

Humans have a way of over-estimating the level of ability or knowledge we may have. For example, if we are experiencing physical symptoms of illness, we may self-diagnose, go to a medical doctor, and tell the doctor what we need by way of treatment. We trust our knowledge more than the knowledge of the doctor. Or worse yet, we decide that our symptoms are not serious and consequently choose not to seek out medical treatment.
James and John, over-estimating their self-importance, approached Jesus to ask for a place of honour next to Jesus. Jesus answered their request by reminding them, firmly but gently, of their rightful place in life. “Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” (verse 38) Jesus, Son of God, would drink the cup of suffering and death, and rise above the power of death, something only he had the power and wisdom to do. James and John and all the other disciples were not created with such power. Their place in life was not to strive for glory the easy way. Their glory would come by following Jesus through suffering and death to new life granted by God.

God, give us the desire “not to be served but to serve.” (verse 45) Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Daphne Bender

Eternity for Today