Giving thanks

Today we celebrate Thanksgiving. A day to give thanks for the crops of the fields, for the food that we eat and for the company we keep. Many families on this day begin their feast by taking turns to name something for which they are thankful.
Amid daily stress and the many worries of life, there is something life-giving and wise about counting our blessings and looking to the simple pleasures. In times of anxiety, we can often overlook these things and can take them for granted. Yet when we can name our blessings, however simple and basic they may be, and give thanks for them, it helps us put the troubles of our lives into a different perspective.
Worrying won’t add an hour to your life, but giving thanks may indeed change your perspective. What is it that you are most thankful for today?

Creator, you know our needs and our need in asking. Help us not only to ask for help, but to see and count our blessings daily, too, that we may learn to trust in you more and more. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Jennifer Schick

Eternity for Today