
I marvel at the zeal of Peter and John and their colleagues who proclaimed Jesus Christ. In spite of opposition, they persisted in the ministry that God had entrusted to them. That included signs and wonders like the healings referenced in today’s reading. But above all, they preached and taught, even when it was dangerous.
The New Testament emphasizes the necessity of the proclaimed gospel. (St. Paul sums it up sublimely in Romans 10:14-17.) Together with the administered sacraments, the oral proclamation of the Good News is essential for the creation and nurture of Christian faith.
Lutherans are heirs to this conviction because, together with other reformers, Martin Luther renewed the emphasis on preaching and teaching. He called the church a “mouth-house”—any place where God’s story in Christ is faithfully proclaimed.
As was true for the fledgling church in the first century, our times are daunting, even discouraging. Through it all, let us remain focussed upon our mission: proclaiming God’s Good News in Jesus Christ for the sake of the forgiveness of sin, faith and new life. That Word is trustworthy. Through it, God will accomplish what God desires: creating trust in God’s enduring life-giving will for all.

O God, by your Spirit give me the words, the courage and the zeal to tell your Good News. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Clifford Reinhardt

Eternity for Today