The journey of the Israelites after they left Egypt was gruelling. They struggled with so much— hunger, lack of energy, physical discomfort and faith. God told them that if they did what was right, they would receive salvation, but the Israelites were sceptical.
God used metaphors to help their understanding and to underscore the importance of God’s message. The crowds were hungry and had no way of paying for sustenance even if it was readily available, which it typically was not. God told them to buy and eat without payment.
As I read this passage, I am reminded of the invitation to the Lord’s Supper, “Come for all is ready.” This is the bidding of the Lord throughout the Bible, a request for us all to partake of the heavenly feast.
On many occasions in the Bible, it is hard to know where God’s offer of tangible goods ends and where God’s offer of salvation begins. However, my sense is that in this passage the message is really rather straightforward. God is saying, “Stick with me and I will not only take care of your physical needs, but by means of grace, I will help strengthen your faith.”
Dear Lord, help us always remember that you are with us, leading us forward and encouraging us to partake of the heavenly food that is freely offered. Amen. —