
I encourage you to affirm your faith and praise God by reading the whole psalm out loud as a prayer. When we listen to the news or read social media posts, it’s easy to get discouraged. War and school shootings, financial fraud, starvation and abuse—is there any hope for the world? Today’s psalm tells us there is hope because the earth and everything in it belongs to God, the creator of it all. There is a purpose to it all, and God is still in control. As we go through our day, what if we remembered that everyone we meet today is made in the image of God? Everyone we meet today was created, unique and special and is dearly loved by God. How might that change our perspective? How might that change our world?

Creative Lord, you are the King of glory. You made all things, and all things belong to you. Help me to have clean hands and a pure heart. Remind me to care for your creation. Help me to see others through your eyes. Teach me to know you better and love you more. Amen.

Contributed by Elke Rosenau

Eternity for Today