Remember to remember

Do you ever take time to think about all the ways God has been there for you in your life? Do you ever look back and think, wow! God was really looking out for me in closing that door or opening another. Do you share those stories of answered prayer or unanswered prayer, where time showed that God was protecting you? The Jewish festival of Booths, also called the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, is a time for Jewish people to remember how God provided for them in the wilderness, and it is a time to look ahead to the promised messianic age, when all nations will worship the Lord.
Remembering God’s goodness and wisdom in the past deepens our faith. We remember that God can be trusted to do what’s best. We recognize that only God knows what’s best. Sharing those experiences can comfort and build faith in those with whom we share. The God who always keeps promises has promised we will spend eternity with the One who loved us enough to let Jesus die on the cross for us. Remembering those promises can give us the strength to persevere when we feel broken and discouraged.

Faithful God, thank you for your guidance and protection in the past. Thank you for providing all I needed. Help me to trust you with the future. Amen.

Contributed by Elke Rosenau

Eternity for Today