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Do you remember the day you were baptized? I don’t. After all, I was only a month old. But I do remember my Confirmation. One thing that has stayed with me all these years is that instead of a Confirmation Bible verse, I was given a Confirmation hymn: “Saviour, thee my heart I tender.” Even though this hymn has not appeared in any of our hymnals since the one I used as a child (Service Book and Hymnal), it has journeyed with me throughout my life, calling me to follow Christ. It has reminded me that I am God’s child and God’s grace will travel with me.
This experience gives me some insight into Peter and Paul. Peter was the first disciple to call Jesus the Messiah. After the Resurrection, Peter continued to witness to others and be a leader in the early church. Paul, on the other hand, became a follower of Christ after the church was already established. But this did not stop Paul from travelling far and wide proclaiming the good news to others. Both Peter and Paul were united in their confession of Christ. They laid the foundation of the early church.

Thank you, Lord, for giving us examples of the faith to follow in our daily lives. Amen.

Contributed by Vivian S. Roberts

Eternity for Today