Not another test

These days, when I hear anything about finances, I say to myself, “What now?” The news is filled with stories about the cost of living: rental rates, food prices, transportations costs, etc. Everything is costing more, making the basic needs out of reach for so many people. How do we, as people of faith, respond? What should congregations and individuals do? Do we place restrictions on our time and charity, or give willy-nilly to anyone?
Paul goes one step further. He asks us if we give cheerfully or grudgingly. In either case the gift is the same to the receiver; it does the work it is intended to do. But what about us, the givers. Paul reminds us that it was a free gift of grace when Jesus poured out his life to save us. Jesus does not test us to find out if we are worthy. Jesus does not brag about the gift of salvation he is giving us; he simply does what has to be done.
We should not brag about our giving or test the worthiness of those in need. The grace of God encourages us to quietly share what we have with others simply because it is the appropriate thing to do.

Abundant God, teach us how to freely give. Amen.

Contributed by Vivian S. Roberts

Eternity for Today