Finding our gifts

How many times in our lives have we heard someone say, “He/she is so talented,” and then highlight the talent of that person. And we acknowledge the talent of that person while at the same time looking at ourselves and wondering where our talents are.
It is such a trap to compare ourselves to others because we compare our insides to their outsides, and in that comparison we will always, always lose and feel put down.
It would be so much better if we understood that we are all part of the same body but with different gifts. When we do that, we can look at ourselves and discover what gifts we have to contribute to the whole of the body of Christ. Understanding that there is a need for a variety of gifts in the world and in the body of Christ, we can celebrate the gifts of others, while at the same time feel great about the gifts we ourselves have to contribute to the work.

God of new life, help me to not look at other people’s gifts as a putdown on my own, but rather inspire me to seek out where my gifts in life are so I can use them for the good of the gospel. Amen.

Contributed by J. Krister Ulmanis

Eternity for Today