Abiding grace

When I was confirmed, I was given a verse from today’s reading from the gospel of John. I had heard from a trusted faith mentor that their confirmation passage had often helped them throughout their life, so I memorized my confirmation passage…just in case! Years later, I found myself in a first-year Koine Greek course, and it was truly all Greek to me! I had made it through the course work by the skin of my teeth and the final exam—a full passage translation—was all that stood between me and the finish line. When I received the final exam, I knew the passage was from John, and I noticed the words “vines” and “branches.” In that moment, I knew I had been saved from having to take the class again, as I had memorized my confirmation passage all those years ago! While I am certainly not a Greek scholar, I trust in the abiding presence of the true vine that we are held in God’s grace; that God’s abiding presence does not demand perfection in understanding, but rather that we continue to journey alongside God’s leadership and daily guidance.

Abiding God, grant us faith to abide in you as you abide with us. Amen.

Contributed by Rev. Lindsey Jorgensen-Skakum

Eternity for Today