I was recently reviewing some material that reminds me that we’re not overly comfortable with sharing our faith. Perhaps it’s because we’re not as enthusiastic about such sharing as other denominations.
But the passage for today reminds us that Christ himself tells us that it’s our job, our calling, our vocation to share, to tell the world that Jesus has fulfilled the law and the prophets, that the power of sin and death has been broken and God’s peace is in our midst. St. Francis of Assisi tells us: “Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.” So, for those of us who are shy about sharing our faith, our actions are able to do the talking for us, in and to the world.
Easter is such a revelation, such an overturning of what had always been known about how we fulfilled the law. It’s only right to share this gospel with the whole world.
Within each of our lives, God’s love is amazing, transformational and life-changing. I hope we will find ways to share such good news to all the world. After all, we are witnesses of these things.
Gracious God, we thank you for all that we have received, and for all that we share as witnesses of your grace and love for the whole of creation. Amen. —