Christ crucified

Think of the most beautiful crucifix. Is it the materials, the colours or the way Jesus is depicted that makes it stand out? Is it a small detail?
For ordination, I received a crucifix for my office. I have others of costly metals and woods, ones painted in brilliant Salvadoran hues, or depicting Jesus as other than a handsome young European man. This crucifix is special because of the detail its giver revealed. The figure of Jesus is not centred. His legs are off to one side. One of his arms is higher than the other. His eyes look away, off-kilter. I continue to see this “imperfect” crucifix as a symbol of Jesus entering a world that was broken. Rejecting God’s call to love, the world kills the Son in a most inhumane way. Christ isn’t placed perfectly on the cross, because he is there as a result of abuse of power, hate and fear: sin.
While this image of Christ crucified may be the final word of the world, the good news is that it isn’t the final word of God. The seeming weakness, foolishness of God on the cross rises in glory to offer joy, hope and an invitation to community that includes all.

God, help us hold the foolishness of Christ crucified in our hearts until it blossoms in beautiful resurrection. Amen. — MHD

Contributed by Matthew Diegel

Eternity for Today