A prayer

Growing up a preacher’s kid meant for the first 18 years of life most sermons I heard were offered by my dad. Each of those sermons began with the above verse.
In my early years as pastor, I also used this verse or a variation of it. Why I stopped, I don’t remember. Whenever I hear it, it still speaks to me. “Matthew, are all your words acceptable to God, your rock? Are all the meditations of your heart acceptable to God, your redeemer?” I know the answer: No.
Our words and thoughts can cause so much pain. They can obscure and damage the beauty of God’s creation. (verses 1-4) They can mock God’s vision, set it aside from our actions and desires. (verses 7-9) We can become unable to taste God’s goodness or to share it with others. (verse 10) Our words and meditations can lead to brokenness and separation rather than healing and community.
The good news is that the Rock, our Redeemer, calls us to be quiet, to listen, again and again, and then to speak once more and to offer our heart.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Amen. — MHD

Contributed by Matthew Diegel

Eternity for Today