What gives?

At Luther Village, I went on a night walk. Without lights, we stretched out single file and followed the leader. It was SO dark. I wanted out.
Crowds had been in love with Jesus. It was great to be a disciple. By chapter 10, the atmosphere has changed. Jesus’ teachings have gotten difficult, and enemies have appeared. The journey has gotten rockier. People still follow, but they are afraid. Jesus now adds, “When we get to Jerusalem, I’ll be handed over, condemned, tortured and killed.” The way has changed. It’s going to end in death.
The good news is that isn’t the end of the story: “after three days he will rise again.” The love of God is greater than the powers ahead. The risen Christ will meet them on the road, in the upper room, at the seashore, and they will know life, love and hope as never before.
The road ahead can be scary. Yet we can trust that God leads us, and that, in love, our risen Saviour meets us along the way, helping us to live by faith.

God of the cross, in the midst of our scary journeys, help us to see your risen Son. Amen. — MHD

Contributed by Matthew Diegel

Eternity for Today