
We’re on our church’s worship team, providing church/communion services at the community’s long-term care facilities. Late leaving the house, we were racing to get to the facility on time when a flashing red light appeared in the rear-view mirror. We panicked. We were going to be late. The officer slowly got out of the car, ambling to the driver’s door, asking, “Did you know you were speeding?” “Yes,” we confessed, “but we’re going to the nursing home to give the church service. I’m giving the sermon,” George responded, handing the officer his sermon from the dash. “And I’m playing the piano,” Cathy added, waving a hymnal. After reading the sermon, he handed it back, admonishing, “You know you were going very fast and that’s not safe. Slow down or the next time you’re at church will be for your own funeral,” Relieved with no ticket, his merciful forgiveness for speeding, we headed to the service, keeping to the speed limit.
This reminded us of God’s mercy. Even though we’re Christians serving God, we still sin. Thankfully, God forgives us when we repent, confessing our sins. For Jesus came at Christmas and died at Easter, giving us more reasons to celebrate Advent.

Thank you, God, for your forgiveness when we sin. Amen. — G/CW

Contributed by George and Cathy Watson

Eternity for Today