Always thankful

The apostle Paul is at it again, giving thanks to God, in this case for the church at Corinth. In seven other letters he names an individual or a group but always, every time, he thanks God for people, not for things.
Nothing makes me feel as good as being thanked for something. Truly, a little appreciation goes a long way. A pastor said that to me once. I have been thanked for any number of things I’ve done, but I honestly can’t recall the last time I heard, “I thank God for you.”
I thank God for many individuals, but what have I said to them? “Thank you,” yes, but not, “I thank God for you.” It is a good thing to offer a word of appreciation to someone for something they’ve done. No question. But really, it’s not about doing but rather about being. You and I are precious children of God, and we can offer our prayers of thanks to God for that, first of all. Then, like Paul, we can thank God for John or Jane Doe, and the next time we see them, tell them so.

Thank you, God, for the gift of life and for the lives of your children. Amen. — KBL

Contributed by Kathleen (aka Kathy) Lee

Eternity for Today