Being “judgy”

What causes us to judge others? Some might see jealousy as one cause, especially if we are in the habit of taking inventory on our neighbour. Some might say we judge when we don’t understand another’s personal situation and why they behave as they do. Whatever the cause, it appears that being “judgy” has a price tag.
In the past few years, we have been subject to a lot of negativity, usually brought on by the judgmental opinions of people. Of course, the flip side of this is that those who disagree with them also judge with a certain degree of negativity. It seems that judgmental negativity simply breeds more judgmental negativity, causing all kinds of chaos. It makes one want to simply bury their head in the ground in an effort to escape it all.
It would appear in our lesson that Paul also had to deal with judgmental negativity. While we aren’t totally certain of the exact cause, these verses from Romans encourage us to avoid judging others by reminding us that all will one day be judged, including ourselves. Paul encourages us rather to set our minds on what we believe (and why), while respecting the opinions of others. Mutual dignity and respect are what repair division.

Dearest Lord, help me today to avoid judging others, and to instead bring mutual respect for all others you have created. Amen. — NHLC

Contributed by New Hope Lutheran Church – Charles Nolting, Jane Ansamaa, Debbie Frantila, Paula Kankaanpaa, Aila Maki, Eila and Niilo Saari and Betty and Jack Tapanila

Eternity for Today