The book of Joel opens with a doomsday description; a plague of locusts has visited the land and what is left is utter devastation. And then God feels compassion for the people and drives out the locusts. God promises pastures for animals, threshing floors filled with grain and vats filled with wine. And then God promises that God’s spirit will be poured out.
Not only will God care for the people by providing much-needed food, but God will pour out God’s spirit on all flesh, not just on those who prosper, but also on slaves. When God’s spirit arrives, there is no distinction between those who deserve it or not, or between those who have earned it or not. Quite simply, God’s provision is for all.
Just as everyone can suffer famine and plague, there is no one outside of God’s umbrella of love and grace. When God’s spirit arrives, everyone is blessed.
Pour out your Spirit on us, O God, that our dreams and visions will be for a world filled with your love. Amen. — JM