While it is long gone from the Canadian minds, in two weeks it is the Thanksgiving holiday here in the USA. It brings to mind a saying I heard a pastor use in a sermon: “thanksgiving is thanks-living.” And to me thanks-living is about giving thanks and praise to the One who makes it all happen, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Let me be the first to acknowledge that every day is not a day of thanksgiving. There are struggles in life that become burdens to carry, heavy burdens at that. But even on those days, I try my best to find something-even a sliver of something-to be grateful for.
Finding something to be grateful for, even on hard days when the burden is heavy to carry, is truly a gift of grace, truly something to give thanks and praise to the Lord for. It is an opportunity to praise the Lord for the many opportunities that we have to come to Christ for new beginnings, for comfort, strength, hope and joy.
What are some of the ways you praise the Lord this day?
Lord God, we lift your name on high as we sing praise for all the blessings we have received. We praise you, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. — JKU