
We all have dreams. Sometimes we remember our dreams, and sometimes we don’t. Some dreams seem trivial, but now and again, we have dreams bearing messages. Some of us, like Daniel, record such dreams and ponder their meaning.

A couple of years ago on New Year’s Eve, I had a particularly vivid dream. Upon awakening, I wrote down what I remembered of the dream in my journal.

In my dream, I was driving downhill away from my daughter’s home in rural Michigan. I met up with my son who was riding his bike uphill in the direction from which I had come. We stopped and chatted. In parting, my son told me he’d be waiting for me at the top of the hill when I returned from doing what I had to do.

I felt comforted to be reminded that I would be reunited with my son who had died seven years earlier. And it won’t just be the two of us, but all of “the holy ones of the Most High [who] shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever-forever and ever.” (Daniel 7:18)

Oh God, whether sleeping or awake, open our ears to what you are saying. Amen. — CKA

Contributed by Revelation

We all have dreams. Sometimes we remember our dreams, and sometimes we don't. Some dreams seem trivial, but now and again, we have dreams bearing messages. Some of us, like Daniel, record such dreams and ponder their meaning. A couple of years ago on New Year's Eve, I had a particularly vivid dream. Upon awakening, I wrote down what I remembered of the dream in my journal. In my dream, I was driving downhill away from my daughter's home in rural Michigan. I met up with my son who was riding his bike uphill in the direction from which I had come. We stopped and chatted. In parting, my son told me he'd be waiting for me at the top of the hill when I returned from doing what I had to do. I felt comforted to be reminded that I would be reunited with my son who had died seven years earlier. And it won't just be the two of us, but all of "the holy ones of the Most High [who] shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever-forever and ever." (Daniel 7:18)
Eternity for Today