The chapter begins with Jeremiah’s prophecy from God to King Zedekiah of Judah that regardless of what fight his army might put up, the city of Jerusalem would fall into the hands of the king of Babylon. What a disheartening message for both Judah’s leader and its people.
As we read further, however, Jeremiah receives word from the Lord to buy land in his home town of Anathoth, which is presently in enemy hands. As the deed is turned over for safekeeping, Judeans present in the court hear Jeremiah bear witness to God’s promise that one day this land will be returned to them. Here is God’s voice of hope!
In today’s society, there is much to feel concerned about. The rapidly changing political and economic climate, along with the many challenges in our daily lives, make it easy to feel anxious about what the future might bring.
Is there anything we can cling to? The answer is yes. This scripture reminds us that, just as in Jeremiah’s day, no matter what is happening in and around our lives, God is in control and we, God’s people, can put our trust and hope in the Lord.
Almighty God, help us to remember that in both the best and the bleakest of times you are with us and have a plan for each of our lives. Amen. — WU