When I read today’s scripture, I wondered why there is a second telling of the creation story only one chapter after the first. I admit I need to hear some things over and over before they sink in, but this repetition seems odd so early in the Old Testament. Upon reflection, I realized the second chapter was not focused so much on the act of creation as on God’s desire that humans have one another. God saw that it was “not good,” a distinct flip from Genesis 1 when God saw that it “was good.” So God created a helper/partner for man. I struggle with this passage as I know not everyone has a partner in their life. Are we less than the reading implies if we are solo? Or is the interpretation such that we find helpers/partners within the larger context of God’s family? I choose to believe the latter. We are wired to connect with each other and to give love and feel its return. While we may or may not find that special someone to journey with through life, we can express God’s love for us and others by reaching out within our faith community and in the larger world around us.
Christ our Lord, there are days we feel friendless. Help us remember that you are our eternal friend and embolden us to reach out to others who need a friend. Amen. — SQ