
Summer storms. They are a part of life for many people, and certainly are for those of us who live in Saskatchewan. Ever since I was a young boy, summer storms have frightened me. This has become a bit of a family joke, as there have been times when even strange looking clouds have had me looking for cover or feeling unsafe in our trailer while camping! I think it could be described as a phobia of sorts.

In our text today, Jesus’ disciples are frightened by the storm that surrounded them, frightened that they might perish. In a panic, they wake Jesus. His response is to calm the storm and then ask, “Where is your faith?” Good question.

We face storms that challenge and frighten us and make it hard to reach Jesus. As the disciples discovered, Jesus had the power to calm the storm. He also has the power to calm the storms in our life, whatever those storms might be.

Loving Saviour, as you calmed the storm for your disciples, so also bring peace to our lives so that we live knowing you will always be our loving protector. In your name, we pray. Amen. — MB

Contributed by Storms

Summer storms. They are a part of life for many people, and certainly are for those of us who live in Saskatchewan. Ever since I was a young boy, summer storms have frightened me. This has become a bit of a family joke, as there have been times when even strange looking clouds have had me looking for cover or feeling unsafe in our trailer while camping! I think it could be described as a phobia of sorts. In our text today, Jesus' disciples are frightened by the storm that surrounded them, frightened that they might perish. In a panic, they wake Jesus. His response is to calm the storm and then ask, "Where is your faith?" Good question. We face storms that challenge and frighten us and make it hard to reach Jesus. As the disciples discovered, Jesus had the power to calm the storm. He also has the power to calm the storms in our life, whatever those storms might be.
Eternity for Today