Speak clearly

In this 1 Kings text, we discover that God is having a conversation with Elijah. As we find in many passages in the Old Tesatment writings, God is often speaking with his people directly, or directly to his prophets, who in turn are in conversation with God’s people.

Conversation with God today does not seem so direct to me. I, and I am sure many of you, spend time in prayer, communicating to God our needs and wishes as we travel through life. The answers to our prayers are often not as clear as they were to Elijah. We long for clear, direct communication. Wouldn’t that make our lives as Christians easier?

The background noise of this world can distract us and make communication with each other difficult, including our prayer time. Yet, we know that God continues to hear our prayers and seeks to be our comforter and guide each and every day.

Gracious and loving God, we ask that you continue to speak to us clearly as you did with Elijah. Continue to receive our prayer communication and give us the assurance that we are heard and loved. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. — MB

Contributed by Speak clearly

In this 1 Kings text, we discover that God is having a conversation with Elijah. As we find in many passages in the Old Tesatment writings, God is often speaking with his people directly, or directly to his prophets, who in turn are in conversation with God's people. Conversation with God today does not seem so direct to me. I, and I am sure many of you, spend time in prayer, communicating to God our needs and wishes as we travel through life. The answers to our prayers are often not as clear as they were to Elijah. We long for clear, direct communication. Wouldn't that make our lives as Christians easier? The background noise of this world can distract us and make communication with each other difficult, including our prayer time. Yet, we know that God continues to hear our prayers and seeks to be our comforter and guide each and every day.
Eternity for Today