Thursday July 4th, 2019 2 Kings 5:1-14
So he went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God; his flesh was restored like the flesh of a young boy, and he was clean. (verse 14)
Do we have to like what the Lord tells us to do? No, but we have to follow God’s advice as it is the best advice that we can get. As we trustfully obey what God tells us to do, we receive a gift of grace from God. Naaman didn’t like the command God gave, but after some prompting, obeyed. His gift of grace was healing. It is good for us to remember that God will not give us advice that is not the best thing for us and that following God’s word is the only real solution for us.
Yes, we might find it hard to obey, just as dipping in the Jordan was hard for Naaman, but it is God’s gracious word for us. And it is well for us to remember that God is with us always.
Gracious and loving God, thank you for reminding us that we must listen to you always and follow your advice just as Naaman did, even though we might question it as he did. Amen. — EEMS
Contributed by God’s healing
Do we have to like what the Lord tells us to do? No, but we have to follow God's advice as it is the best advice that we can get. As we trustfully obey what God tells us to do, we receive a gift of grace from God. Naaman didn't like the command God gave, but after some prompting, obeyed. His gift of grace was healing. It is good for us to remember that God will not give us advice that is not the best thing for us and that following God's word is the only real solution for us.
Yes, we might find it hard to obey, just as dipping in the Jordan was hard for Naaman, but it is God's gracious word for us. And it is well for us to remember that God is with us always.