A life well lived

Have you attended funeral calling hours that included a memory table, displaying photographs and mementoes of the person’s life? There are often sports items or work tools or hobby items. Often there is a Bible or prayer book.

Peter had a similar experience when he arrived at the home of Dorcas (also known as Tabitha) in Joppa. Her upper room was a makeshift funeral parlour. The mourners showed Peter many items of clothing sewn by Dorcas. She had been devoted to good works and acts of charity, perhaps giving clothing to the poor of her community.

Peter sent everyone away, knelt praying before the body of Dorcas, and said “Tabitha, get up.” (verse 40) She sat up and many saw that she was alive. This exciting news spread widely, and many came to believe. Life can conquer death. God gives the power of resurrection. Though we die, yet shall we live.

O risen Lord, make us faithful followers of the spirit of your resurrection. May our lives serve as signs of the transforming power of your love. Amen. — JRG

Contributed by A life well lived

Have you attended funeral calling hours that included a memory table, displaying photographs and mementoes of the person's life? There are often sports items or work tools or hobby items. Often there is a Bible or prayer book. Peter had a similar experience when he arrived at the home of Dorcas (also known as Tabitha) in Joppa. Her upper room was a makeshift funeral parlour. The mourners showed Peter many items of clothing sewn by Dorcas. She had been devoted to good works and acts of charity, perhaps giving clothing to the poor of her community. Peter sent everyone away, knelt praying before the body of Dorcas, and said "Tabitha, get up." (verse 40) She sat up and many saw that she was alive. This exciting news spread widely, and many came to believe. Life can conquer death. God gives the power of resurrection. Though we die, yet shall we live.
Eternity for Today