Monday April 15th, 2019 Isaiah 42:1-9
?he will bring forth justice to the nations. (verse 1)
Because it is Holy Week, we assume the servant is Jesus. Indeed, after Matthew reports that Jesus cured all the crowds which followed him, Matthew 12:17 says, “This was to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet Isaiah,” and quotes today’s verse. Jesus fulfilled today’s verse.
But the servant is also us. We are bruised reeds and dimly burning wicks whom God has called to be servants. Not only Jesus, but us also, God has given “as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations.” We imitate Jesus. Like Jesus, we have been put on earth for a purpose. We are not our own, to live for ourselves alone. Each day of this life, we ask God, “What have you assigned me to do today? To whom are you sending me today?”
Does this sound too heavy a load? Remember that God will give us all we need for this day’s work. God will give us breath. God will put the spirit of Jesus inside us, so we are able to do it.
Spirit of Jesus, help us to bring forth justice to the nations. Amen. — DAR
Contributed by Who is the servant of the Lord?
Because it is Holy Week, we assume the servant is Jesus. Indeed, after Matthew reports that Jesus cured all the crowds which followed him, Matthew 12:17 says, "This was to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet Isaiah," and quotes today's verse. Jesus fulfilled today's verse.
But the servant is also us. We are bruised reeds and dimly burning wicks whom God has called to be servants. Not only Jesus, but us also, God has given "as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations." We imitate Jesus. Like Jesus, we have been put on earth for a purpose. We are not our own, to live for ourselves alone. Each day of this life, we ask God, "What have you assigned me to do today? To whom are you sending me today?"
Does this sound too heavy a load? Remember that God will give us all we need for this day's work. God will give us breath. God will put the spirit of Jesus inside us, so we are able to do it.